heather's adventures in the Big City

Monday, September 12, 2005

i've been neglectful of this blog lately.

because as i mentioned i've been busybusybusy

anyhow this weekend i used a skill i never thought i'd need in new york. after going to the yarn store to buy yarn with maryam (she's learning to knit!!!) we went to get cupcakes and burgers.

yes, in that order. i'm 28 and i can eat cupcakes before dinner if i want.

anyhow, the burger place we were going to go to was closed. so we got on a train and went to washington square to try this diner she'd been to before. we got off the train and started walking, but it felt like we were heading south when we wanted to go north. i have an internal compass but i doubted it. so we wanted to head north but weren't sure which way was north.

it was about 6 pm and the sun's setting earlier. so i looked at the direction of the shadows saw which way was west and found north that way.

i used the sun for orientation in the city.

i ain't no camper. i don't like being dirty.

but i used survival skills to lead us to burgers.


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